
Three Directors elected, three life members voted in and Lucy Coggan to continue as President

Published Mon 03 Jul 2023

The 2023 Volleyball NSW Annual General Metting was held via zoom on Monday 19th June at 7pm.

Thirty six attendees joined the meeting chaired by President Lucy Coggan and CEO Baz Wedmaier.

The agenda included the presentation of the President and CEO report, the election of directors as well as a vote to award life membership to three members of the Volleyball NSW Community.

The 2022 Annual Report link was also given to all those in attendance - 2022 Volleyball NSW Annual Report.

Julien Prosser, Matthew O'Connor and Geraldine Magarey were successfully relected to the Board of Directors.

With a majority vote Noel Drew, Deiter Rohkamper and Takae Tasutake were awarded Life Membership of Volleyball NSW for their contribution to the sport.

In the board meeting that followed Lucy Coggan was voted in to contiue her role as President.

Thank you to all of our members and delegates that attended the meeting and congratulations to the elected directors and our 3 new Life Members.
