Wild Card Application

Before applying for a wildcard you must register for the event on our website




  1. Wild Cards will only be given at the complete discretion of the Head of Events working with the Tour Director in extreme cases that benefit the sport and the event. However, if you feel your team deserves one, we encourage you to contact the VNSW Office to discuss this a minimum of 15 days before the event
  2. Priority will be given to U23 teams identified through the Phoenix Junior Pathway
  3. Any application received after registrations have closed, won’t be taken into consideration.


Successful Wild Cards will be placed  in the relevant division.

If your wildcard is not successful we will refund the team entry fees.

*Bank fees (5%) are not refundable.

Enter your email address*

(incl State/Country)

(incl State/Country)

ie/. Maroubra 23rd Sept

Include as much information to advocate for your application

both partners

Max 5MB